
Hey! Welcome to my blog! Hope you enjoy reading all the interesting stuff I put on here. If you don't like it, don't read it, if you do, then yay! Welcome to my crazy world. :D Enjoy! And be nice!

Friday, 20 May 2011


Hey guys.

Decided to do a couple of quotes of passages I found that I think are amazing. (:

"Don't talk down to me. Don't be polite to me. Don't try to make me feel nice. Don't relax. I'll cut the smile off your face. You think I don't know what's going on. You think I'm afraid to react. The joke's on you. I'm biding my time, looking for the spot. You think no one can reach you, no one can have what you have. I've been planning while you're playing. I've been saving while you're spending. The fame is almost over so it's time you acknowledge me. Do you want to fall not ever knowing who took you?"  ~ Jenny Holzer

"Fear not the blank page. That scary A4. Fear not writer's block. Let it haunt you no more. Put pen onto paper. Or fingers to keys. And little black letters. Start dancing like fleas. They'll twirl and they'll swirl. And they'll magically swarm. Into words on the page. As your ideas take form. Be they poetry, fiction. Or scribblings more factual. Maybe comedy calls. Or screenplays feel natural. Our How To Write guides. Should help you start in. Seven styles, seven days. Seven ways to begin. These booklets designed. To take  writing skills further. Are free this weekend. In the Guardian & the Observer." ~ The Guardian & the Observer.

Amazing right? Haha. 

                                              Love you all! ❤
                                                   Dormy Saz

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


Hey guys.

Just thought I'd be nice & post a comment here, since I haven't for so long. Life's a bit hectic now, so I won't be updating this blog nearly as much, but you can see photo's & such on my photography blog here.

                                             Love you all! ❤
                                                  Dormy Saz