Hey guys!
Last night, at midnight, I was sat by the open window watching the wild foxes and I managed to get some photos! =D I was well happy with them! Have wanted to get pictures of them for a while, so I was very happy when I got them (= Also, I said I'd show you guys a photo of the pom poms I made.. I'll show you two of them. Here they are:
Pom Poms
© Copyright - I am the owner of this photo.
Awesome aren't they? (= I love making them, so much fun. <3 Right, I don't really have much to talk about really.. So, on with the quotes me thinks. XD I have three today. All from the Yu-Gi-Oh Movie: The Pyramid Of Light. First one is near the start when Joey and Tristan are trying to distract a crowd of people after Yu-Gi and get called nobody's. Guy 1: I said your nobody. Guy 2: That's right and everybody knows it too! Guy 3: Well everybody who's anybody that is. Joey: Listen up. Nobody but nobody calls me a nobody, you bunch of nobody's, you got that! Haha. Second quote is when Joey and Tristan are trying to find Yu-Gi, by following Kaiba's car which Yu-Gi was in. Joey: Kaiba's car is outside, so Yu-Gi must be here. Tristan: Wow. Your a regular Sherlock Holmes. Did you figure that out all by yourself? XD I do love their conversations.. Third one is when Joey and Tristan first get transported into the millennium puzzle. Tristan: Ohman.. I feel as bad as you look Joey. Joey: Dude.. I don't think we're in Kansa's anymore. Tristan: I think we're in a giant maze.. And man, I think you and me are the lab rats! Hehe. Hope you guys liked these quotes!
Now for the fun fact / tip of the day. Today I'll do another fun fact I think. And I'll do a tip tomorrow. |
More people are killed annually by donkeys than in airplane crashes.
Love you all! ❤
Dormy Saz
Haha i soo want to be killed by a donkey now -.- kidding i wanna die in my sleep.But yes very productive day and yes i saw those fox pictures i love the one i commented one ;) haha